Mario Spinazzè photography
Comedies 02

The satyr theater Gigi Mardegan Diese franchi de aqua de spasemo from the work of Jane Connerth

Gigi Mardegan "El morto" di Vittorino Andreoli regia di Roberto Cuppone

Trento Shows Maura Pettorruso - Hemingway A farewell to arms

Trento Shows Stefano Pietro Detassis - Hemingway A farewell to arms

Marinetti Sisters and Fantoni - Risate sotto le bombe (Laughter under the bombs)

Corrado Abbati Company Singin' in the rain

Arte Povera Theater Sesso e gelosia (Sex and jealousy)

Bretelle Lasche Company Si fa ma non si dice (But you do not say)

Contrada Company The hotel of free trade

Roncade Theater - The witch

Evarossella Biolo - Body for rent (corpo in affitto)

Arte Povera Theater The Trojan Women by Euripide (dedicated to mothers)

Compagnia Stabile del Leonardo The jest (la cena delle beffe)

Compagnia Stabile del Leonardo The jest (la cena delle beffe)

Alessandro Preziosi - Nando Paone Don Giovanni

Alessandro Preziosi - Nando Paone Don Giovanni

Cactus flower Theama Teatro

Cactus flower Benedicta Boccoli Theama Teatro

Work in progress theater company Homage to Giovanna Zangrandi

Massimo De Francovich Maximilian Nisi Mr Green (Theama theater)

Mr Green (Theama theater)

Galleria successiva: Comedies 03  

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